Industrial machine connectivity to web service stacks done right.
Industrial machine connectivity to web service stacks done right.
Coordinating machines and their sensor data across wide expanses enables huge benefits for manufacturers. But connecting the last mile from IT systems to the production floor presents a serious challenge:
Yikes. Surely by now there should be a better way.
What if machine connectivity looked like a web API?
What if machine connectivity looked like a web API?
machineAPI is a drop-in solution to the communication breakdown.
Cloud services or onsite IT infrastructure can effortlessly tap in because machineAPI is fluent in HTTP, Websockets, and JSON, like any other API or microservice.
To machines and PLC technicians, machineAPI acts like a familiar remote IO device: via Ethernet/IP, ProfiNet, 24V digital, or 10V analog signal. There's nothing new to learn, so integration and startup is painless.
Easy? Really?
Easy? Really?
Yes, this easy:
machineAPI on Github has documentation, easy to follow examples, and test rigs for running machineAPI on your development PC. Try it out and see for yourself.
When you're ready to run in production, the machineAPI bridge is easy to order online, no "call for quote" required.
machineAPIMachines & IT Systems: Let's Talk
machineAPIMachines & IT Systems: Let's Talk
24V, DIN-mount bridge device
2 x Ethernet
Preconfigured for EIP with L5K file
18 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, and 2 analog inputs standard onboard
All software pre-installed, ready to run